I write this note 7 months into the COVID-19 pandemic... but today, I would like to address some "Fears" that aren't related to a virus...

Last November, I was suffering from imposter syndrome. And to be frank, I still feel it every day. Imposter syndrome: not feeling good enough... feeling inadequate. Maybe it's because I inadvertently put up harsh expectations for myself and for my success. Or perhaps it's because I often feel "behind the curve", when I know I need to realize thateveryoneelse is in the same spot as I am. I often feel lost or straying from the norm, even though it seems like I have my sh*t together...

On October 23rd (23 is my lucky number, by the way), I am releasing Fears. And that's scary in and of itself. Oh, the irony. I imagine I'm not the only one who's scared to release a piece of their innermost thinking... a piece, really, of themselves. And with every new release, I feel like I'm breaking off a bigger chunk. A bigger piece of introspection...
Fears is a delicate reminder that though the fear of failure seems unsurmountable, we need to remember that everyone is on theirown individual path to success. It doesn't matter how long, or which route someone takes to get there... because ultimately, what matters most is that you're happy in the end.

Fears is my first country-esque pop song (I know, I was shocked too). I wrote on my acoustic guitar in my bedroom, and I took it to the studio with the intent maintaining that singer-songwriter vibe. It's acoustic, but pop and deeply meaningful to me, and I hope others can find comfort and peace within the lyrics. I can't wait for you to have it.
Sending you lots of love for a safe, healthy and phenomenal Thanksgiving weekend,
- c 💜✨